The City of Glasgow was awarded $208,000 to purchase new SCBA air packs for firefighters.
Glasgow, KY – September 25, 2024- The City of Glasgow would like to announce it has been awarded $208,000 in state funding provided by the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG). The primary goal of the AFG is to meet the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and non-affiliated emergency medical service organizations.
This grant will let our fire department purchase new and updated air packs for all our firefighters. Keeping air packs updated and within the lifetime keeps our firefighters safe when in the middle of an emergency.
“The timing of this award could not be any better” Fire Chief William Rock stated. “The company that produces the air packs we currently use went through a major restructuring which makes it costly to repair the current packs. New air packs will have a major impact on the safety of our firefighters.”
Currently, the Glasgow Fire Department has 28 air packs and 39 people that use them. Being awarded this grant means that every employee will be able to have their own. To purchase a brand-new air pack runs $6,000- $8,000 depending on the add-on options and, if any, manufacturing supply issues.
The fire department brought in 3 companies to demo air packs to our firefighters and fire chiefs. These companies included: MSA, Scott, and Dräger. Each company brought in packs, talked about the features, and left air packs at the stations for the firefighters to try on and get the feel with their turnout gear.
With the firefighters wearing the SCBA’s regularly, their input is being used to decide which company to buy from. “We would like to say thank you for the support the city and city council has given us in pursuing this endeavor,” said Chief Rock.
Lucas Tinsley
[email protected]
About the City of Glasgow:
The City of Glasgow is committed to providing the safest and most reliable gear for our employees. This safe and reliable gear will in turn help our residents in their time of need.