Recycling that is in bags CANNOT be picked up. Please place your items directly in the appropriate recycling bins.
The City of Glasgow ONLY collects the following materials for recycling:
(Boxes must be flattened)
(Rinsed & Emptied)
Any color and size bottle or jar.
NO Ceramics, Dishes, Mirrors or Windows.
Bagged items must be in a CLEAR plastic bag
Many local retailers and grocery stores may accept plastic.
Needles & Syringes should be secured in a coffee can or milk jug and placed in your trash cart
Tarps, Blankets, Clothing. Put them in your trash cart or donate to charity.
Styrofoam & Packing Peanuts.
Appliances may be delivered to the Glasgow Regional Landfill during regular operating hours. Appliances accepted for recycling include: washers, dryers, stoves, water heaters and dishwashers. The freon must be properly removed or the compressor must be off refrigerators, air conditioners and freezers at the time of disposal.
A recycling truck is dispatched to area businesses on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons collecting recyclables. On Friday’s cardboard is collected from roughly 35 different businesses. This program works on a Call-In Basis
only 270-651-5977.
Saturday recycling is available on the 1st and 3rd of every month at 400 Glen Garry Road, from 8:00 am to 11:30 am. See the table above for what can and cannot be accepted.