Planning & Zoning

Planning & Zoning

The Planning Commission is an appointed body that coordinates community-planning efforts and makes recommendations to local legislative units.


Joint City-County Planning Commission of Barren County was established in 1972.

Duties of the Planning Commission

Plan serves as a guide for physical development and economic and social well-being of the community. The Comprehensive Plan is made up of different elements that address land use, transportation, and community facilities needs of the community.

“Zoning” means Land Use Regulations that establish minimum standards for signage, location of structures, density of population, size of lots, and permitted uses within a specific zone.

“Subdivision” means the division of a parcel of land into two (2) or more lots or parcels for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, lease, or building developments or if a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of land.

“Development Plan” means a written and/or graphic material for the provision of a development, including any and all of the following: location and bulk of buildings and other structures, intensity of use, density of development, streets, ways, parking facilities, signs, drainage facilities, access points, a plan for landscaping, screening, or buffering, utilities, existing, man-made and natural conditions, and all other conditions agreed to by the applicant.

Commission Members

The Commission is made up of 13 representatives appointed by the local legislative bodies (City of Glasgow, City of Cave City, City of Park City and Barren County Fiscal Court).

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