Current and previous years Municipal Orders can be found here.
KRS 83A.010(9) defines “municipal order” as “an official act of the legislative body of a municipality which is binding upon the officers and employees of the municipality and any governmental agency over which the municpality has jurisdiction.”
KRS 83A.060(13) states the following concerning the use of municipal orders:
In lieu of an ordinance, a municipal order may be used for matters relating to the internal operation and functions of the municipality and to appoint or remove or approve appointment or removal of members of boards, commissions and other agencies over which the city has control.
Municipal orders are more limited in their application than ordinances and the requirements for their adoption are far less formal and detailed. A municipal order can never be used to take an action when an ordinance is required. On the other hand, a city legislative body could take an action by ordinance even though the action would also be valid if done by municipal order. It is not advisable, however, to adopt an ordinance when the action can be accomplished legally by municipal order. Remember that an ordinance must be published and publication can often be very costly, but there is no publication requirement for municipal orders. Additionally, there is no requirement that municipal orders be given two readings.