City Council Agenda

Glasgow City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 2nd floor of Glasgow City Hall, 126 East Public Square, Glasgow, KY 42141


Agendas from current and previous years can be accessed here.


Requirements for Regular Meetings:
Every public agency must establish a schedule of regular meetings by ordinance, order, resolution, or by whatever means may be required for the conduct of business by the particular public agency. In addition, the schedule of regular meetings must be made readily available to the public. KRS 61.820. For cities, regular meetings must be established by ordinance as required by KRS Chapter 83A. The ordinance must fix the times and places of the city’s regular meetings. Once the regular meeting schedule has been established, any deviation from the times and places specified in the ordinance will make the meeting a special meeting, subject to the statutory requirements for special meetings.
The Open Meetings Act does not require that an agenda be prepared for a regular meeting, as opposed to a special meeting, nor does it specifically address whether, once an agenda is voluntarily prepared, that it must be readily accessible by all. However, best practice is for public agencies to provide attendees with copies when the meeting commences to maximize notice to the public of the business to be discussed. 11-OMD-132

Requirements for Holding Special Meetings:
All meetings that are not regularly scheduled meetings are special meetings and are subject to the following requirements under KRS 61.823. Who may call a special meeting? The presiding officer or a majority of the members of the public agency may call a special meeting. KRS 61.823(2). What are the notice and contents of notice requirements? The public agency must provide written notice of the special meeting consisting of the date, time, and place of the special meeting and the agenda. Discussion and actions at the meeting must be limited to the items on the agenda. KRS 61.823(3). As soon as possible, written notice must be personally delivered, transmitted by facsimile, or mailed to every member of the agency and each media organization that files a written request to receive notice of special meetings. Notice must be provided at least twenty-four hours before the special meeting. KRS 61.823(4)(a). Written notice of special meetings may be transmitted by email to public agency members and media organizations that have filed a written request with the public agency indicating a preference to receive email notification. The written request must include the email address of the agency member or media organization. KRS 61.823(4)(b). As soon as possible, written notice must also be posted in a conspicuous place in the building where the special meeting will take place and in a conspicuous place in the building where the agency has its headquarters. Notice must be posted at least twenty-four hours before the special meeting. KRS 61.823(4)(c).
In the case of an emergency that prevents the public agency from complying with these requirements, the agency must make a reasonable effort to notify the members of the agency, media organizations that have filed a written request to be notified, and the public of the emergency meeting. KRS 61.823(5). At the beginning of the emergency meeting, the person chairing the meeting must describe for the record the emergency that prevented compliance with the notice provisions, and these comments should be recorded in the minutes. Discussions and actions at the emergency meeting must be limited to the emergency for which the meeting was called.

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