Our Glasgow Police Department hosted an event on July 11th for car seat checkup. 3 officers attended and passed their certification to be able to correctly install seats and help to teach parents and others how to ensure the seat is tight and children are using the correct type of car seat.
If you are a parent, guardian, or someone who drives children around and you need help installing a seat please come by the Police department headquarters at 101 Pin Oak Lane during office hours (M-F 8am-4pm) and someone will be happy to assist you.
Glasgow Police Department currently has 6 officers certified in car seat installation and plan to certify more each year at the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety training. This training is funded by Kentucky Safety and we got to speak with the trainer, Sharon Rengers.
Rengers informed us that “70% of people do not use car seats properly. Good habits to form are reading the manuals and understanding how to correctly install the seat”. Rengers works for Norton’s Children’s Hospital and is granted through Kentucky Office of Highway Safety to teach this annual class.
In speaking with the police department, Major Terry Flatt told us that “People can come by the office anytime during office hours and ask questions regarding car seats, or see if their seat is installed correctly. Also, people do not realize that if you are involved in a wreck, then any car seat in that vehicle can no longer be used. We have some seats available for anyone that is in dire need of one.”
Congratulations to Officer Wallen, Sergeant Wethington, and Officer Rishkofski for completing your training.