Stormwater Division

A Division of Glasgow Department of Public Works 

Stormwater Manager: 
April Russell
310 West Front Street 
Glasgow, KY 42141
Email: [email protected]


KY Department for Natural Resources

KY Department for Environmental Protection

KY Department for Fish & Wildlife Resources

KY Department of Water


Related Links:

International Stormwater BMP Database

Project Wet- Water Education For Teachers

Public Notice

The City of Glasgow plans to construct a 75’ and a 150’ long pedestrian bridge crossing the South Fork Creek along Trojan Trail. The City of Glasgow plans to complete grade, drain and surfacing of an 8’ asphalt shared use path along the bank of the South Fork Creek on Trojan Trail. Pursuant with Chapter 151 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, this advertisement serves as public notice for the proposed project. Questions can be directed to April Russell at 126 East Public Square, Glasgow, KY 42141 or by calling (270) 651-5977 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or Kentucky Division of Water, Floodplain Management Section, 300 Sower Blvd 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.

Public Notice

The City of Glasgow plans to replace 400 linear feet of 12 inch water line and 270 linear feet of 6 inch water mains to cross the creek from College Street to Bowen Street. The waterline replacement is to accommodate the construction of a pedestrian bridge. Pursuant with Chapter 151 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, this advertisement serves as public notice for the proposed project. Questions can be directed to April Russell at 126 East Public Square, Glasgow, KY 42141 or by calling (270) 651-5977 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or Kentucky Division of Water, Floodplain Management Section, 300 Sower Blvd 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.

Public Notice

The City of Glasgow plans to construct a 100’ span prefabricated steel truss bridge with associated cast in place concrete abutments and retaining walls to cross the creek from College Street to Bowen Street. The bridge will cross a tributary of South Fork Creek stretching from 612 East College Street to 400 Bowen Avenue. Pursuant with Chapter 151 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, this advertisement serves as public notice for the proposed project. Questions can be directed to April Russell at 126 East Public Square, Glasgow, KY 42141 or by calling (270) 651-5977 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or Kentucky Division of Water, Floodplain Management Section, 300 Sower Blvd 3rdFloor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.

Public Notice

The City of Glasgow plans to construct stream stabilization improvements to a stream behind homes on Ellis Avenue and continue to the stream’s intersection with Tanglewood Drive. The stream improvements will start at approximately 104 Ellis Avenue and extend along the stream parallel to Ellis Avenue and then turning west to Tanglewood Drive. The improvements will end at an existing culvert under Tanglewood Drive at approximately 106 Tanglewood Drive. Pursuant with Chapter 151 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, this advertisement serves as public notice for the proposed project. Questions can be directed to April Russell at 126 East Public Square, Glasgow, KY 42141 or by calling (270) 651-5977 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

On February 13, 2017 Glasgow City Council repealed the Stormwater Management Fee.
ORDINANCE NO. 2017-2894
AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FEE PROVIDED FOR IN ORDINANCE NO. 2809, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2883 (Sponsored by Council Members Groce and Lowery) A proposed ordinance was presented for the second time and caused to be read for the second time. MOTION was made by Council Member Kirkpatrick for the second reading approval and adoption of the ordinance SECOND was by Council Member Neal VOTE Yes – 11 No – 0 AB – 0 Dickinson – yes Kirkpatrick – yes Gaunce – yes Lowery – yes Groce – yes Neal – yes Harris – yes Norris – yes Honeycutt – yes Oliver – yes Witcher – yes

The City of Glasgow passed the Stormwater Maintenance Fee Ordinance in December 2012. The funds will be used to keep the City in compliance with state and federal EPA mandates with our Stormwater Management Program, while also allowing us to work on drainage daily. Small and large projects and maintenance are all included. The City has already contracted with an engineering firm for a Stormwater Master Plan. Large projects will be ranked and we will proceed accordingly.

The goals of the Stormwater Management Program are to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Glasgow while improving, maintaining, operating and monitoring the stormwater system. To achieve this, the City of Glasgow is involved in several activities to protect and improve the quality of water. The activities include but are not limited to developing a Stormwater Management Plan for the city’s NPDES Stormwater Phase II Permit and a Stormwater Master Plan.

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